White Wolf Snowmobile Club
Current Conditions
Here are current conditions for each section of the White Wolf Snowmobile Trails.
Section Condition Date Checked Date Done Comments
Labrador City: Local Sections Groomed    Apr 01, 2024  Please be careful of rocks. 
Wabush: Local Sections Groomed    Apr 02, 2024   
Tanya to Walsh River/Duley Lake Groomed    Apr 04, 2024   
Duley Lake to Quebec Border Groomed    Apr 03 , 2024  This section was groomed, just be careful where the trail is narrow just pasted Duley going to the border as far as the Ermski Trail 
Duley Lake to Wabush Groomed    Apr 02, 2024   
Loon Lake to Mills Lake Groomed    Apr 04, 2024   
Smokey Mountain/Ironstone Groomed    Apr 03, 2024  Please whatch out for rocks. 
South Trail - Grand Hermine Groomed     Apr 04, 2024  The South Trail was groomed to Grand Hermine and back. Groomed to Cowboy Creek and Albert March 22/24  
North Trail - Grand Hermine Groomed    Apr 04, 2024  This trail is groomed to Grand Hermine and back. Javelin Road was also groomed on the 13th  
Blueberry Hill Areas Groomed    Apr 04, 2024   
Grand Hermine - Ashuanipi River Broke and Groomed    March 21, 2024   
Ashuanipi - Esker Broke & Grooming    March 20, 2024  in the process to grooming the esker trail now 
Excellent: Flat hard packed trails with no drifting.
Good: May have some drifting, light snow fall. These trails are safe to drive on.
Fair: May have heavy drifting, heavy snow fall. Use discretion when driving on these trails.
Broke: Trail has been broken with groomer. Trail is passable however Caution should be excersized as trail still in need of more snow.

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